The best choice
Outsourcing certain information security functions will free up resources for dealing with more important organizational and managerial issues.
Qualified technical specialists are valuable, but hiring an in-house specialist is not always a wise decision.

If tasks requiring technical expertise and experience arise only occasionally, outsourcing is the best decision.

Information security outsourcing

Hire the qualification you need.
  • Higher quality
    The competitive market imposes its own rules. The quality of our services is second to none, which is why demand for our services grows every year.
  • Lower cost
    Though the cost of third-party services is substantially higher than the salary of an in-house specialist, in the long run outsourcing is cheaper than having more employees than you need.
  • Higher speed
    We have an excellent team of talented and highly professional specialists. It takes us a few days to perform tasks that would take others a few weeks. It is a time-tested fact.
  • Easier management
    When hiring us, you pay not so much for time, but rather for efficient solutions and high-quality services. You set an objective and the rest is our job.

Considering your needs

Outsourcing of particular tasks, functions or entire business processes.
The scope of outsourced tasks may vary significantly.
At times, we are given just single tasks. Sometimes our customers outsource certain functions. For example, security monitoring or solutions support. In some cases, integration with a customer is so deep that they outsource entire business processes.
Case #1

Encrypted communication network support

In order to maintain industry compliance, one of our customers deployed in its infrastructure encrypted communication network using encryption equipment that was made in Russia. The client occasionally faces tasks related to changes in equipment configurations, and sometimes repairs in the event of malfunction.

The outsourcing agreement with Acribia provides for a prompt engagement of a qualified engineer for resolving maintenance issues with the encrypted communication network. Service requests are submitted by phone or e-mail. One of our engineers on duty registers the service request and tries to resolve the issue remotely. In case it’s not possible, he goes to the customer´s office.
Case #2

Fine-tuning of DLP system

A large insurance company sought Acribia’s assistance in fine-tuning their DLP system which by that time had already been purchased and implemented but did not produce the desired outcome.

Our action plan involved several small iterations, with each of them having a certain result and cost. The outsourcing agreement allowed us to perform tasks gradually in a way that was convenient for the client. During the first iteration, the DLP system was configured to detect as many incidents as possible but there also was a large number of false alerts. The data analysis uncovered many cases of security policy violations, misuse, malicious activity of employees and agents. During the following iterations, based on the findings of the analysis, we fine-tuned the DLP system in order to minimize the number of false alerts and for more accurate detection of incidents.
Case #3

Safe development of a web portal

One of our clients is developing and using a web portal which is rather important for the business. They are developing it in-house, and the update speed is 4−6 months. On the one hand, the company can’t let critical vulnerabilities appear on the web portal. Yet hiring an in-house security specialist is unwise at the current development speed.

Together with Acribia, based on SDLC practices, the company developed a process of code audit and vulnerabilities detection which should be conducted prior to publication of each release. The services are provided several times a year on the basis of an outsourcing agreement. It takes just 5 business days longer to release new updates, but the overall security level of the web application has increased significantly.

Partnering up with Acribia is convenient

  • Out team has all specialists you might need
    Acribia’s team includes software developers, security analysts, employees specializing in monitoring security logs and investigating incidents, network engineers, engineers certified to work with particular products and solutions, auditors, technical writers and diversely skilled professionals.
  • Fixed cost or hourly billing
    The outsourcing agreement can provide for either fixed payment for our services, or hourly payment. In the first case, we evaluate and discuss the task before we start working together, which slightly puts off the launch of the project. In the second case, we know just an estimated cost before we start the project.
  • We provide services under SLA, as well as take on single projects
    By default, we use a form which provides for a possibility to set any task (make a request) in terms of information security. If the tasks are of the same type, the work can be performed under a service level agreement (SLA), which defines the level of services to be provided.

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