What would a successful attack lead to?
We will perform security assessment, detect vulnerabilities, show how your system might be hacked and what this might lead to. We will teach you how to defend yourself.
Security analysis techniques simulates an attacker's behavior. We hack target systems without causing damage.

It helps identify security vulnerabilities that a real attacker could exploit.

Goals of Security Analysis

Basically, security analysis procedures answers to the following questions:
  • 1
    What is the current security level?
    How secure is a network perimeter or an application? What can be attempted by an internal or an outside attacker? What damage can be caused to critical information systems and data? How might the attacks unfold?
  • 2
    What is the response to a targeted attack?
    Are computer attacks detected quickly and effectively? Are IT and IS departments able to confront hackers? Are measures and tools used to detect and prevent attacks really efficient?
  • 3
    How to implement an effective security strategy?
    Why isn't the existing security strategy effective enough? Are there any loopholes in the system and, if so, how to deal with them? What should you pay attention to in the first place, and what should be your long-term strategy?

Select Scope & Depth of Assessment

Our work is determined by your objectives and the target of the analysis.
Depending on your objectives, security analysis can be performed to a different extent and depth. We can focus on practical network security or evaluation of a certain application. The analysis can be carried out in both in-depth and wide coverage.
Wide coverage
Penetration Testing
Focus on external/internal network
In-depth testing
Application Analysis
Focus on web or mobile application
Continuous, wide & in-depth
Red Team Testing
Continuous multi vector testing

Summary of results

Efficient & comprehensive for any kind of research.
List of vulnerabilities
Penetration test report provides a list of actions performed during the test, a list of discovered vulnerabilities grouped by severity and category, as well as recommendations on elimination of vulnerabilities.
Along with recommendations on elimination of particular vulnerabilities, we also provide more general recommendations which are aimed at elimination of loopholes and flaws in the security system.
If necessary, our employees can make a presentation on the findings of the penetration test. It will contain a summary of findings in the form of tables and charts. The presentation will let us show significance and give priority to information security issues.

Three main reasons to choose Acribia

  • High chance of hacking
    We have excellent statistics: the percentage of successful penetrations (network penetration, elevation of privilege, gaining access to sensitive information) for the projects that we have carried out in the last three years constitutes about 90%.
  • Assistance in elimination of vulnerabilities
    It is insufficient to demonstrate that the system is vulnerable. It is necessary to eliminate discovered security holes as soon as possible. Even after the work is completed, we continue advising you on mitigating vulnerabilities and carry out additional tests in order to make sure that the vulnerabilities have been really eliminated.
  • Detecting loopholes in the system
    Uncovered vulnerabilities often signal that there are loopholes in the system. Our clients highly appreciate not only our efforts to mitigate and eliminate current vulnerabilities, but also our in-depth research into existing issues. We draw up a strategy aimed at dealing with problems in the system that might lead to information security breaches.

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